The Basics

It’s estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime as skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US.

An annual skin exam is recommended since early detection of skin cancer is easily treatable. We offer thorough skin cancer screening examinations while maintaining your comfort.


 What to Expect

Comprehensive skin examinations that covers from head to toe, since skin cancer can occur in places that the sun doesn’t shine too!

Use of a specially designed magnified and polarized light called a dermatoscope by a board-certified dermatologist.

Photographs and measurements are taken on specified lesions to accurately monitor for changes.

If a lesion is unusual or concerning, a biopsy will be performed and sent to the lab for further testing.

Our Recommendations

Remove any nail polish, make-up, jewelry, watches, and socks to ensure a complete exam.

If a biopsy is performed, expect to care for the biopsy site by washing it with soap and water and applying Vaseline ointment twice daily to ensure healthy healing.