From Active Lifestyle to Anti Aging

The Basics

What made you start running? I’ve always considered myself to be athletic. I grew up playing soccer, swimming, and water polo. After college, I became a beachbody coach which consisted of at-home workouts for all fitness levels. During the pandemic, I took up running in efforts  to maintain a sense of normalcy outdoors during such trying times. When I decided to move to New York last summer, I knew I wanted to take my new found passion to the next level.

Why do you continue to run now? Running has led me to a wonderful running community (Gold Finger Track Club) that supports and encourages my decision to take on running later on in life AND in a new city. It has been a great way to train for, make new friends, and create new memories while exploring my new home.

What made you decide to complete a Half Marathon? I wanted to set a fitness goal for myself knowing it would require intense training and dedication both mentally and physically. NYC marathons have a known reputation for drawing in the biggest cheer crowds and I wanted to experience that energy for myself. 10/10 recommended by the way.

How do you balance being outside and maintaining your skin’s health? My skin's health is a top priority when running outdoors for hours on end. I always wear a wide brimmed dri-fit hat, UPF clothing, and reapply sunscreen every 2 hours making sure to apply it to all exposed skin including my ears, which is commonly forgotten.

Sun Protection

Is there a particular SPF formula or UPF clothing/hats that you can’t live without? Wearing sunscreen and spf clothing is an absolute must. During the winter, I use a thicker moisturizer such as Avene Tolerance to avoid wind burn on my face and also use it to moisturize my hands under my running gloves. When training during the summer I use a more lightweight moisturizer such as Alastin Ultra Nourishing. For daily use, my go to Vitamin C/ Sunscreen combination is Skin Better Alto and Elta MD UV Glow Tinted. On my runs I have to switch over to Elta MD UV sheer spf because it is water resistant. I typically carry the individual use packets with me during my runs in order to reapply every two hours. I love wearing my UPF running gear from Solbari and Athleta. 


If you could recommend one change to an active person’s skincare routine, what would it be? I would emphasize the importance of adding a Vitamin C and/or oral supplements such as Sun ISDIN or Heliocare for that added level of protection from harmful UV rays while being active outdoors. 

What advice do you have for those that want to be outside more, but are worried about Skin Cancer and aging?  My biggest advice would be to find a sunscreen you like and will remember to use daily. Wearing sunscreen daily will always be our biggest weapon against the harmful sun and unwanted signs of aging. Making sure to get regularly scheduled skin checks and reapplying sunscreen while being outside for an extended period of time is also very important. If you have a personal or family history of skin cancer then it is imperative to have your skin examined with more frequency. 

Are there any cosmetic treatments that you would recommend to help with sun damage, or preventing sun damage? Cosmetic treatments such as Forever Young BBL, Halo, and LaseMD have all been proven to treat sun damage. My personal favorite is a combination of BBL and Halo which will help reduce the appearance of sunspots by genetically modifying the skin as well as resurface the skin to help with a youthful appearance. Sunscreen, UPF clothing, Skin Checks, and great skin care regimen all work synergistically to minimize the likelihood of obtaining substantial sun damage. 

Yesenia Lopez is our Cosmetic Concierge at Entière Dermatology, coming to us from Miami, Florida. She brought her decade of Cosmetic Dermatology experience, and also the sunshine, to our office and patients.

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